2 June 2013

Guardian opposes NHS, jobs and affordable homes...

...well it does if they are being promoted by Liberal Democrat run Watford Council.

The Guardian's John Harris - best known for his eulogies of britpop and Tony Blair - has taken to his keyboard in the idyllic Hay on Wye to write a piece attacking the Lib Dems for wanting to redevelop some less than idyllic derelict land by Watford General Hospital (along with some allotments) to expand the local hospital, provide much needed new homes - more than a third of which will be affordable - and provide new jobs. All the existing allotment holders will be relocated locally.

The most interesting contention made by Harris is that:
'The rest will be given over to development which seems to have little connection to health at all: houses, along with "business incubator and retail units"'.
Sadly for Harris he obviously hasn't read the rest of Friday's Guardian.  Because if he had he would have stumbled across an article by Sarah Hayward, Labour Leader of Camden Council titled 'How councils can take action to bridge the equality gap'.

In it Harris would have found the following:
'The report found that housing is an important issue because it impacts on the borough's social mix, community cohesion, health, educational attainment and employment.'

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how far removed from reality some people are!
    There has got to be some retail units and other housing to make such a project sustainable.

